The overthrown Ukrainian political elite is fleeing the chaos with their families to the west, and many of them have chosen Austria.
Among many wealthy Ukrainians close to President Viktor Yanukovych, Austria is a favorite destination.
After the former prime minister, the governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, Sergei Kliyev, has now arrived in Austria.
According to the Viennese daily "Kronen Zeitung", Austria is considered by rich Ukrainians to be a haven where it is possible to lead a carefree life in exile.
Many figures close to Yanukovych have secured a safe haven for themselves in recent years, primarily in the elite part of Vienna and Lower Austria.
Since the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine, Austrian security authorities have noted an increase in the travel activity of wealthy supporters of Yanukovych.
Thus, recently deposed Prime Minister Mykola Azarov visited his son and daughter-in-law in Vienna.
A few days ago, Klijev, who owns a villa in Vienna, landed on a private plane at the Vienna airport.
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