Photo editor from New York, Myles Little, used a series of photos to explain how the entire "ecosystem of the privileged" works.
From the workplace to education and leisure, Little shows how the one percent of the world's population who control half the wealth live.
At a time when one percent of the world's population controls 50 percent of the wealth, we may sometimes lose sight of how privileged they really are.
Each of the richest managers in the US earned a billion dollars last year, without being exposed to the media at all.
When Harvard Business School surveyed what people thought about how much CEOs earned compared to "regular" workers, most thought the ratio was perhaps 30 to 1.
"In reality, the ratio is closer to 350 to 1. The elite depends on this delusion in order to have lower taxes and other privileges in the state," says Little.
The richest one percent holds 50 percent of the world's wealth, while fifty percent of the world holds only one percent of the wealth.
"Is that the world we want to live in? To answer that question, we must make the invisible visible. We need to shine a light on the hidden world of the ultra-rich. That is the goal of this exhibition," says the author.
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