An earthquake with a magnitude of 6,9 hit southwestern Japan today, the meteorological service announced, warning citizens to stay away from coastal areas due to the danger of a flood wave - tsunami.
A tsunami warning was issued for Miyazaki Prefecture, where the earthquake was epicentered, and for nearby Kochi Prefecture, on the southwestern island of Kyushu, shortly after the quake at 21.19:13.19 p.m. local time (XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. CET).
So far, there are no reports of material damage from the earthquake.
Residents of a coastal city in Kochi prefecture were ordered to evacuate as a precaution.
The Japanese public service reported that the tsunami, whose height is estimated at one meter, reached the mainland 30 minutes after the earthquake.
The videos show that the traffic is moving and that the streets are well lit, which indicates that there is electricity. No problems were observed at the monitoring points of the nuclear power plants in the affected area.
Earthquakes are frequent in Japan because the island country is located in the "Pacific Ring of Fire" with many active volcanoes of great power.
An earthquake of magnitude 6,0 - 6,9 is considered strong. Even well-built buildings can be damaged, while badly designed and constructed ones can be seriously damaged. People feel such an earthquake in wider areas, up to hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter. Annually, 100 to 150 earthquakes of this magnitude occur in the world.
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