Sad vassal

Marko would be amazed at how many of the most important Serbs throughout history - from Dositej to Konstantinović - chose not to be part of the same matrix as one epic hero.

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Photo: Svetlana Mandić

The answer of Balša Brković to the reaction of the President of the Municipality of Nikšić, Marko Kovačević.

And I thought that Šapić (Belgrade) was the biggest "pearl" among the mayors of the region...

Everything is actually very clear. Judging by the reaction, it seems that the mayor of Nikšić received his education in the broad fields of folk poetry and Facebook. If you are aware of this, then his reaction is clearer to you.

Says Marko K:

"Imagine the discoveries of a great writer - a Serb is part of the same tradition as the epic hero Marko Kraljevic. Of course, in this entire analysis, there is no consideration of who are those who want to 'tread on the ploughing' of Marko Kraljević.

I understand that they cannot talk about themselves, because it is clear that, taking this example from our epic poetry, they precisely chose the sides between Marko Kraljević and those who 'tread his plow'. More specifically between our people and their enemies.”

Marko would be amazed at how many of the most important Serbs throughout history - from Dositej to Konstantinović - chose not to be part of the same matrix as one epic hero.

But when Marko tries to add "what is missing in the analysis (it's about a column, but come on now) - who are those who want to trample the plow" (and thereby choose a side, right), Marko K. immediately becomes Udba denouncer. And in that role, somehow, he feels the most natural, it seems. This is where he leans on the hated communists - because every "Udba" consciousness is the same, regardless of the alleged ideology behind it.

And all this leads to a key insight - "Our people and their enemies". How simple and clear everything is for Mark! There is our people and their enemies. And Marko is here to clarify who belongs where. I can be calm, in the end, I don't belong to the same people as Marko, and in my cosmos, belonging to a people is not a great honor, and certainly does not imply the production of "his enemies".

I don't know how to explain it to Mark, but actually everything is in its place: isn't it natural that he chooses a vassal (in reality) who became a superhero (in a folk song). So does Marko in the story - he works miracles, but in reality he is a sad vassal. And all his confusions and frustrations stem from that.

It is probably to a large extent that Dobrica Ćosić was referring to this kind of thought perversion when he said that Serbian history is a lie. She certainly is. And Marko is a reliable representative of such a lie.