Writer Sophie Kinsella revealed that she has brain cancer

"I didn't want to reveal it publicly because I wanted my children to have time to learn and process the news in privacy and to adjust to our 'new normal,'" she wrote.

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Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

British writer Sophie Kinsella has announced that she has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer.

The 54-year-old, whose real name is Madeleine Sophie Wickham, is best known for her book series Shopaholic.

She announced on Facebook that she was receiving "excellent care" during her treatment.

She underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which is still ongoing, she added.

"At the end of 2022, I was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a form of aggressive brain cancer.

"I didn't want to reveal it publicly, because I wanted my children to have time to find out and process the news in privacy and to adjust to our 'new normal,'" she wrote.

He also states that he is in a stable condition, that he feels "generally very well", but also often very tired.

She also joked that "her memory is even worse than before".

"I am very grateful to my family and close friends who give me incredible support, as well as the wonderful doctors and nurses who treat me."

Kinsella took the opportunity to "send a message of love and best wishes" to everyone battling cancer.

"You can feel very lonely and scared when you find out such a bad diagnosis, but the support and care of the people around you means more than words can describe," says the writer.

Her latest book Burning (The Burnout) was published in October last year.

She is also the author of other novels such as Do you know how to keep a secret? (Can You Keep A Secret?) and Foreign Goddess (The Undomestic Goddess).

Based on the first two novels from the Kupoholičarka series, which has eight sequels, a movie was made Confessions of a shopaholic from 2009, in which the main role is played by Ayla Fischer.

Fisher reached out to Kinsley in an Instagram post and "sent her lots of love and energy for her recovery."

Kinsella has four sons and a daughter with her husband Henry Wickham.

Her books have sold more than 45 million copies in more than 60 countries, and have been translated into more than 40 languages.

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