Commenting rules

The administrators of the portal "Vijesti on-line" are authorized to apply the rules of commenting. If the administrators of the portal "Vijesti on-line" note the existence of a violation of the rules of commenting, a warning or a ban on the use of the user account will follow. Access to the portal "Vijesti on-line", i.e. commenting can be disabled without prior warning. Comments published on the portal "Vijesti on-line" do not reflect the position of the owner and editors. On the portal "Vijesti on-line" hate speech, insulting on national, racial or gender grounds, insulting personalities of users and persons whose names appear on the content of the portal, as well as the use of vulgar words. Any use of the portal contrary to the above will be punished by the cancellation of the user's right to access the portal, who will be permanently or temporarily prohibited from accessing /banning/. Any threat to the personal and family safety of the portal user, as well as the person whose name is mentioned in the content of the portal, through threats or any any other way is illegal and any such behavior can be prosecuted by the competent authorities. Posting pornographic, chauvinistic and offensive content and links is not allowed. Impersonation, representation in the name of another legal or physical person is not allowed. keys, hacks, cracks or other material of an illegal nature, including illegal download pages. Violations of this type will result in a permanent ban on the use of the user account. It is forbidden to advertise and post links whose purpose is not to provide additional information regarding the content of the portal. It is forbidden to publish, send and exchange of content that is subject to copyright protection. It is forbidden to write in capital letters (Full Capslock). It is forbidden to collect and publish personal data of other visitors or users of the Portal. Comments and content that do not relate to the topics of the portal will be deleted without notification, and users who send such comments and content repeatedly will be banned from accessing the portal. If the user believes that he has been unfairly punished, he has the right to contact the administrator. The administrator's decision is final and users have no right to appeal it.

Registration users

Only users who register can comment on the content of the Portal, in accordance with these Rules. By registering on the "Vijesti on-line" portal, the user enters true data and chooses a username and password. The use of offensive usernames is prohibited. The user is solely responsible for all published content under the username. "Vijesti on-line" portal is not responsible for unauthorized use of the account, as well as possible damage caused to third parties.Portal "News online" no bears responsibility za eventual damage arose cancellation user task i service za who je Korisna registered.