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Instead of the European idea, the Balkan practice absolutely triumphed on the square. Immutable. Absence of music: sounds of predation

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Flower carpet on Independence Square, Photo: Boris Pejović
Flower carpet on Independence Square, Photo: Boris Pejović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Let's forget, even for a moment, if possible, all the abominations and perversions that are piling up around us. For nastiness and perversions, and in general, all traditional forms of weirdness, the rules about distance obviously do not apply, they are, at least in our country, always "in the crowd".

So, let's leave the newly elected mayor to his own demons, who celebrates with Chetnik songs, while at the same time the teacher who took the children to the anti-fascist walk of SUBNOR is called to account. Let's not look back at the daily theater of another, old elected mayor. Banality is always self-indulgent. Let's not forget that all this is not connected, and that in Serbia the reversion has gone so far that Victory Day over fascism is celebrated with Ljotić marches. There is no more explicit image of the defeat of European and modern Serbia.

Let's also forget the unforgettable: the Montenegrin pro-Djukanović media for the second time in a relatively short time have published a clear position that we should say NO to anti-fascism (!?)... Someone will say that the language will not be right, and someone will say that it is clear (is it understandable?) an editor's mistake, but even those mistakes are not without some devil. The inertia that allows this kind of nonsense is usually an important ally of nascent fascism.

Let's forget all that (including Minister Mitrović's pearls), in sweet anticipation of the prime minister's new metaphysical outbursts... And, instead, let's look at something nice and neutral. Like flowers, for example.

Indeed, Podgorica's Trg Nezavisnosti looked beautiful covered with colorful flowers... (My generation remembers the time when this square was just a big parking lot - and this city just a huge dormitory). For a moment, in the middle of Podgorica, you could think of the Amsterdam flower market (Bloemenmarket) or some similar place in those parts of the world that have long qualified for normality.

The idea was real and likable - after the Europe Day concert, people will remember the candlelit atmosphere (under the shadow of the pandemic) by taking home one pot, one piece of the plant carpet that covered the square for days. A European detail, a gift, actually a small thing that, as often happens with small things, reminds of something much bigger.

That beautiful idea, as we called it, which was supposed to make the European consciousness and spirit flourish in many homes in Podgorica, even while the pot was alive, turned into - a huge opposite. The traditional Montenegrin thorn blew those European, decadent and colorful flowers to smithereens... The noble intention of the organizers proved to be too challenging an opportunity for the momentum of the rogue-entrepreneurial spirit, characteristic of the Montenegrin economy of the XNUMXth, XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries: extortion and fraud... They say that people parked their car near the square and carried as many flowers as they could to fill their trunks. What they are going to do with those and so many flowers, I have no idea. Will everyone suddenly sell flowers that were given as gifts? Does the same thing happen with other European "gifts", less symbolic and far more valuable? When flowers are planted like this, imagine what happened to the donations, except that the circle of contractors was much more exclusive back then.

In the end, the unbridled spirit of robbery meant that the concert was not even held. Instead of the European idea, the Balkan practice absolutely triumphed on the square. Immutable. Absence of music: sounds of predation.

Those days, in a Podgorica school yard, two adult men attacked an elementary school student. They chased him to steal his phone.

We have always somehow believed that schoolyards are exclusively a space of innocence and carefreeness.

It's all connected - while we watch insignificant characters banging nonsense every day - the space around us is changing in an unimaginable way. Such events, the so-called little things, sometimes show it most clearly. It is a fundamental problem, more important than all our superstitions.

Bonus video:

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