
Achieving normalcy will be a challenging process, and far from simple. What will it look like? And what and what kind of normality will we conquer, what will be normality for us at all when all this, once, passes

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Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Vaccination progresses, of course with our stories and spices. Even in such a noble and praiseworthy activity, you come across that mentality stamp that makes room for some form of corruption, or at least female corruption. Across the line, to the other door, a phaser for the chosen ones, but the most important thing is that it moves. And that every day more and more people are vaccinated.

The current numbers of infected / recovered people in Montenegro are such that people, whether they like it or not, begin to think about the post-pandemic time, however shyly. Therefore, the vaccination will pass, and what a season like that, it will begin, more and more certain (without additional metaphysical impulses, let's hope), that the end of (this) pandemic is also in sight.

Then, I'm afraid, we shall find ourselves in wonder.

Achieving normalcy will be a challenging process, and far from simple. Returning to yourself and your own routine? What will it look like? And what and what kind of normality will we conquer, what will be normality for us when all this, once, passes.

Let's say, I believed that after the defeat of such a government, Montenegro would quickly enter the zone of normality, today it doesn't look like that at all. Looks like DPS isn't (was) our biggest problem. And normalcy seems further away. But that's not a story for today, I don't want to spoil the festive mood for others or myself.

As this year and the change of the pandemic made us, will we be able to remember what we once perceived as normality? Is memory our friend in such a predicament? How do viruses affect memory? How resistant is memory to what our bodies are not.

And how possible are such reconstructions at all. It is even a big question to what extent our memories of the former normality match what it really was.

You cannot step into the same normality twice, let's call on the Dark One, he is always the best company.

Perhaps, in the end, we will have to, like Cavafy's Odysseus, understand that "Neither Lestrigonians, nor Cyclops / nor wild Poseidon will you meet / if you do not carry them within yourself / And if your soul does not bring them before you." (Ithaca, cover by S. Blagojević).

Of course, we will be left with that "mental stamp" from the beginning of the story, with its many forms of apparitions we will have to deal with ourselves, if that is not stopped, in some distant future, by some kind of magic vaccine, from some European program for the poor. Although such magic is hard to even imagine.

In the end, the "normality" of the chimera is probably just a cliché, one of those nostalgic platitudes like "tradition", which is spoken lightly and hard as hell to understand. What are we longing for when we invoke normality? Absence of noise and anger, first of all, you will say "at first". But that's just a condition for the story.

In short, we will have to create new versions of our own "normality". Which will be "vaccinated" against the experience that marked us and, certainly, changed us.

Will the sea of ​​masks and the ocean of hand sanitizers ever disappear from our sight. I still can't imagine a (further) future where two young people look with sympathy at an old man with a mask, and laugh, because it's so retro and charmingly old-fashioned.

Chewed up by pandemics and the stupidity of the Power, maybe one day we will learn to love our own existence, our own Lestrigonians and Cyclops, the angry gods who give us storms and troubles... And everything that our soul can bring before us.

"There is no ship for you, not a single road. / And your life, which you destroyed here / you destroyed in the whole world" (Grad, Cavafy).

And, therefore - Happy Holidays. If you feel even a small impulse of happiness, it's good. Surely this is a sign of normality...

Which has yet to be conquered.

Bonus video:

(Opinions and views published in the "Columns" section are not necessarily the views of the "Vijesti" editorial office.)