Urgent measures for the regular start of the next school year

Appreciating the educational process as the only ticket for society's exit from the crisis, it is necessary to urgently take short-term measures to create as many regular conditions as possible for the next school year 2020/2021

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Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Montenegrin educational system is in deep crisis. Especially its most numerous segment - primary education. There are several causes of this decade-long crisis, and three are dominant. The first cause of the crisis is the lack of an ideologically valued social system, which Montenegro does not have. With the collapse of socialist Yugoslavia, the value system of that society was also destroyed, and a new one cannot be built. The European Union, NATO and finally an independent Montenegro are just different forms that we have not filled with valuable content. Viewed from this angle, the second cause of the crisis in schools follows, that is, the lack of a comprehensive strategy of the educational system. What is it about? The lack of this document turns students, teachers and the process itself into feudal possessions of political parties of their ideologies, which they implement through their ministers. And that is already the third cause. Every minister of education during his mandate wanted to erect a monument to himself in this department.

Observing the crisis in this way and appreciating the educational process as the only ticket for society's exit from the crisis, it is necessary to urgently take short-term measures to create as many regular conditions as possible for the next school year 2020/2021. year. It is understood that permanent work should be done to eliminate the mentioned causes of the crisis. I suggest the following measures - steps in elementary school:

1. Formation of teams for each subject in elementary school, whose task will be to make:

- power point presentations,

- video material + animations,

- tests,

- quizzes and the like for each lesson + questions that give a connection with other subjects. Everything previously needs to be hung on the school platform.

2. The formation of the Montenegrin variant of Serbian A nerd, whereby lessons recorded from the "Learn at Home" project would be added to all the items from point 1. Review all the materials from the project "Learn at home" and fix everything that is left out, incomplete.

3. Formation of a unique database of questions and tasks for all disciplines that are essential for passing an external exam at the end of elementary school.

4. Respect the Law regarding the testing of children at the end of the 6th and 9th grades in the disciplines that are defined.

5. Create teams to implement the types of questions obtained through PIZZA testing through individual subjects, or in some other way.

6. Creation of electronic applications for interesting learning of teaching subjects in the form of quizzes, tests. Strive to standardize the education system in all schools in Montenegro, to the greatest extent possible.

7. Help professional associations in the matter of writing a project for non-governmental organizations.

8. Use professional associations and projects received from other companies for the purpose of raising education - promote the printing of newspapers, mini-collections, lexicons and the like for teaching subjects.

9. Create a corner for every teacher in the electronic system, which would contain all information about teachers, jobs, diplomas, awards, recognitions... a special segment for principals and assistant principals...

10. Clearly define the necessary administrative charges that teachers carry out.

11. Elaborate all regulations of online classes.

12. Analyze and prepare the introduction of entrance exams for enrolling students in high schools.

The author is a member of the General Secretariat of the Citizens' Association CIVIS

Bonus video:

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