
In order not to be misunderstood - a citizen Injac belongs to a small group of public employees who leave the impression of poise and civil decency, the more bizarre this mistake seemed to me, repeated several times in public appearances. And not only that, I think that we in Montenegro should issue a "binding instruction" to every future government that the Minister of Defense must be a woman

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Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Maybe some future writer, now a boy, will write an entertaining novel one day The role of helicopters in modern Montenegrin history. It will be an intriguing read, and here is everything, from these interesting years of ours, that could serve a future writer, one of today's boys, to shape his ideas.

A helicopter recently enabled the enthronement of a bishop with elements of landing and military exercises. That's not all: thanks to a helicopter, a bishop parachuted onto the enthronement of Beran, and showed that even a helicopter can bring us closer to God, and only the chosen have the knowledge to land from those heights. Admittedly, I am not sure that such knowledge is acquired in theological studies.

And if we also remember that the tin church was also transported to the top of Rumija by helicopter, it took some time (you must remember the huge civil protests that lasted for weeks, led by the then ruling party?) you can think that the helicopter, as such, is a theological weapon . And that, one of the most powerful. That is, that there is some secret connection between the machine designed by a genius visionary Leonardo (and the Priory of Zion, lively conspiracy theorists) and the Christian Church and its priests. You almost wonder - how Jesus lived and worked without a helicopter. Imagine if he had that miracle, he would have come from one end of Judea to preach. Two helicopters to cram twelve apostles into and - only the sky is the limit. Then it would be clear that the ascension is, most likely, a sophisticated helicopter action...

Nevertheless, even for those who are used to the high standards of ignorance and incoherence (it is sometimes similar) and the spirit of parody in modern Montenegro, it was rather astonishing when they heard that the Minister of Defense persistently talked about to the heliHopter. Let's remind - the word is made from Greek helix (spiral) and pteron (wing).

In order not to be misunderstood - a citizen Injac belongs to a small group of public employees who leave the impression of poise and civil decency, the more bizarre this mistake seemed to me, repeated several times in public appearances. And not only that, I think that we in Montenegro should issue a "binding instruction" to every future government that the Minister of Defense must be a woman. It would be a kind of meaningful symbolic prevention against the intolerable machismo of Montenegrin history, a counterbalance to the immature interpretations of the so-called defensive questions so typical of our mentality and (doubtful) experience. When it comes to serious (and dangerous) things, I always trust a woman more.

Ok, that word (helicopter with H) slips away in an irregular form to many people, someone will say. And it is not the only word with such a fate. True, but in a normal society, the last person you expect that from is - the Minister of Defense. Because "her", military helicopters were the main (heavenly) stars of Cetinje's enthronement. And here, it turns out, she doesn't even know their names. As if it is Joanikia called JoaniHije. Or Prime Minister Hrivohapić. And several times.

Don't say this is hair splitting. Because this is very similar to when we heard the (then) Minister of Culture (culture?) speak about Shakespeare's drama "King of Illyria". (Perhaps it should have been Hralj Ilir?) This Government is, nominally, expert. However, whatever you think about it, the heliHopter doesn't sound expert at all. Just as (too) often, the prime minister chooses intonations that do not sound at all expert. Or, use nonexistent words. Which is, after all, a more creative act.

Minister Ha, next time, to get to know the matter a little better. The worst thing of all is that things like this are happening again in Montenegro, that is, to us.

Montenegro, the mother of dilettantism. Objectively, our only honest history.

Bonus video:

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