Rings rings of paradise

When they try to be funny, autocrats tend to be funny, or at least clumsy

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Đukanović, Photo: Boris Pejović
Đukanović, Photo: Boris Pejović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Ringe ringe raja politics, says Đukanović.

There are elements, not that there aren't any. But actually, what does the president want to say? That is, what more he wants to say.

Frivolous politics? Politics as child's play? The level of little Perica from the jokes, that is, something that, quite understandably, causes a slight sneer from the "Old Wolf", and there are, one would say, elements of disgust. Now you will see The ninth symphony of politics, and not the rings of paradise, as if Đukanović was saying as he prepared for the election.

Because he just arrived from some other reality, from some other corner of the universe, a savior, definitely, and he has no part in everything that today's Montenegro is. Well, in order to believe this, you really have to have the spiritual integrity and insight of a child playing that very game.

When they try to be funny, autocrats tend to be funny, or at least clumsy. This "spirituality" is certainly not spontaneous, it was born from the court circle - it is the peak of spirituality of that colorful team of poltroons and semi-intellectuals. Then, according to the rule (and the task), the bazaar tribunes announce the matter and amplify that echo of banality to the maximum, which is their basic job. Wherein the main emphasis is on the sudden "relaxation" of the former Britva, on this one "paradise", because it evokes the nickname of the politician who (to the surprise of many) played a very constructive role in the negotiations on the new government. As, also to the surprise of many, we did not see such constructiveness where we might have expected it before.

The children's song that Đukanović refers to is very old, possibly originating in some form from pagan times, and it probably got its recognizable form in the seventeenth century in England, which was then ravaged by the plague. What Uncle Paja became in the South Slavic version, in the original is the Plague itself, that is, death. The falling of the children at the end of the song (with the onomatopoeia of sneezing, because it was also a symptom of a terrible disease) is an imitation of death from the plague.

It is possible that the move to a children's game only happened when the plague passed, but don't be surprised by such a genesis. Today's reader cannot imagine the cruelty that once accompanied fairy tales and nursery rhymes. It was necessary to scare children with everything and everyone, that used to be the basis of domestic education. Find and view the original, undiluted, an edition of fairy tales Brothers Grimm and you will be amazed, like everyone who grew up on today's so-called standards. political correctness.

The time that has passed, the centuries of children's singing have turned even such a terrible theme into a harmless song and a fun game for children. That is ultimately the meaning of all art.

And the local politics? There is no plague here, there is an absolute epidemic of stupidity and unprincipledness. With consequences as devastating as if it were a plague. There are no such masks and preventive measures that can help. Hell as fate - that's us.

The sad impression remains that the gentlemen from the Democrats and the URE cannot possibly forgive each other's dismissal Alex, respectively Dritana, and such a position makes any rational story hardly possible. They seem so childish in their anger. That must be why the nursery rhyme came to Milo's mind.

And indeed, one thing could ring in the head of an interested observer of this political farce rings rings of paradise while watching the URA struggle to be both for and against, here and there, left and right, defying the laws of physics, but also morality. It was all at the level of children's songs, puzzles and fairy tales.

Ringe ringe raja, sung by uncle Paja... Although here and now no one has a reason for a song. And everyone is very happy, because it seems to them that others are in bigger problems. And everyone - overjoyed.

Disintegration of institutions, mockery of logic, the Constitutional Court? You've passed by, you're the last to stay...

Maybe this political "plague" ends up in nursery rhymes. At least of the type: Enci menci on a stone two brothers in a sideboard...

Bonus video:

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