
Do you know anyone who has told you anything meaningful about cryptocurrencies? Remember the term “mining”? The insane cost of electricity, something that everyone was talking about, but certainly few understood the essence of the matter

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Cryptocurrency bitcoin (Illustration), Photo: Shutterstock
Cryptocurrency bitcoin (Illustration), Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

If someone had told you that the unusual (and opaque) world of cryptocurrencies could have an impact on Montenegrin politics - of course you would have laughed.

It is clear - religious communities, epic inspirations, folk literature (and folk singers), colorful con artists, Russian spies, Italian mafia, Western embassies, ideological traumas from childhood and early youth, memories of late grandmother's advice have much more influence on Montenegrin politics. Janice, a promise made to an uncle Peru, provincial phantasmagoria throughout history, Vucic's sandwich makers...

All of these (and more) certainly have more impact than something (cryptocurrency) that the absolute majority doesn't actually understand. And, as such, it is vague, extremely suitable for the narration of some kind of flash spin. In which, further, you can stuff all sorts of things.

Do you know anyone who has told you anything meaningful about cryptocurrencies? Remember the term “mining”? The insane cost of electricity, something that everyone was talking about, but certainly few understood the essence of the matter. And nowadays people like that kind of vagueness, opacity. It works on the market of hope, that's enough.

Perhaps it could be said that the logic of crypto-currencies rests on the intention to separate the "production of money" from the state, but although it is unlikely that "at this stage of our development" such a thing is possible, there is clearly a gray area that somehow exploits itself the idea of ​​"independent" money. At least by looking for a way to make such a subversive idea possible. It is probably the most fundamental blow to the current (and known) concept of the state.

Of course, to someone who was formed in the analog age, of course, it all seems like the lobby of science fiction. But it was the same with computers and mobile phones...

All of which we are talking about makes this cryptocurrency world a paradise for scammers of all kinds. The obsessions of our time. The media gives these characters a kind of mystical aura - so people often see them as the new shamans. The idea that someone ex nihilo creates money is just a postmodern echo of the ancient alchemical fascination.

At one time, it was written about a certain "queen of crypto-currencies", Bulgaria Rose of Ignatius (if I remember the name correctly), who seemed to be a master at fooling investors. Then she just disappeared. Obviously, it is the narrative climax that inevitably accompanies this story about the financial "wizards" of our time. This Korean of ours didn't make it. To the joy of many, one would say.

In the list of phenomena that affect cg politics, it is omitted, but there is no doubt that the "Udba" scams, obviously, still have their effect. After all these years, that handwriting doesn't fade, that echo doesn't stop... It's an omnivorous genre for you: everything you put into such a story passes. As you can see. Even if you include a laptop, there are stories for everyone's ears.

The word "crypto" (from the Hellenic "kryptos", meaning hidden) is found in many expressions as a prefix that refers to the "hidden" or "secret" nature of something, and in recent times, in addition to currencies, the so-called crypto-phones.

Here's an example. Let's say, when you hear "cryptoscenario", it is immediately clear to you that it is a hidden scenario, that is, a plan. The wet dream of all manipulators. And conspiracy theorists, of course. Behind everything, they believe, there is some hidden agenda.

Then, you may come across a “cryptodictator”. Someone who pretends to be a democrat but is actually a dictator. It might even be funny (they usually are), but that doesn't detract from the seriousness of the performance. There is certainly some kind of "crypto-fascist", at least that's all around us. By the way, such people often refer to anti-fascism without hesitation.

And sometimes you realize that on the domestic public scene corruption and mischief are not hidden at all, that is, they do not need the prefix "crypto".

Some things are sometimes simply - crystal clear.

Bonus video:

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