
The patriarch took a picture with the linguists and the information service of the church triumphantly announced that the patriarch was right, well, even according to the strictest standards of a demanding profession

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Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

It would be a joke, actually, in some normal times... You know the one - Linguists came to the patriarch... Or - Bakers came to the pope, there was one like that, for sure. Or they were Coca-Cola representatives, I don't remember now.

Simply put - the subject of lavish public mockery in which "scientists" would suffer and, certainly, the patriarch would not fare very well either. Once upon a time, "scientists" went to take pictures with members of the Central Committee and to personally support the collective vision, or, as it was said before. And, like I said - it was the stuff of jokes. "The pedagogues came to Staneta Dolanca... "

As far as "scientists" and power are concerned, then, nothing has changed. Obviously, the company itself - disappeared.

It would be nice to know - if they are lined up neatly in the corridors of the Patriarchate, waiting to agree with the patriarch with all their might and to shout that unanimity with love in the media - mathematicians, astronomers, atomic physicists, chemists, oceanographers, historians, geographers, cryptologists, macroeconomists, volcanologists, botanists?

And where are the molecular biologists, archaeologists, engineering chamber, radio amateurs?

In the end, maybe the gynecologists also appear, embraced and aligned with the patriarch, that would be significant. And fun. Let the supreme authority clarify that too.

Writers and other artists do not count, they are a group that can support anyone and anything. And it hasn't been like that since yesterday. Those from the so-called exactitudes are a novelty, or at least a relative novelty.

But it is not a joke, but breaking news in the media of the region. That must also say something about this time. And space.

In short - a group of linguists was found that is ready to support the patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Porphyria in his ridiculous, but no less dangerous crusade against the Gender Equality Act. The patriarch took a picture with the linguists and the information service of the church triumphantly announced that the patriarch was right, even according to the strictest standards of a demanding profession.

It was published - with those "language changes, they want to take the soul of the people". Nothing less than that. Here, and (eminent, it is emphasized) linguists agree...

Conservatism has always been unusually successful in the area of ​​language issues, and the language is then turned into a mere national emblem. A cap badge, actually. So - it's clear where the patriarch came from - but what will the linguists do in that story? All these are very concrete symptoms of the spiritual disintegration of a society.

But this is also about something else.

Christianity (like any monotheism) is a totalizing worldview, it does not exist in any form of the idea of ​​acceptable otherness, even less the idea of ​​"competition" in metaphysical oppression.

The Church likes to meddle in science, a persistent and proverbially lavish opportunity. At one time, the Vatican looked at the Big Bang theory with great sympathy - they liked the idea of ​​the beginning of time and space and something that precedes it, which is - inexpressible. An ideal setting for a fashionable and open Christian, but Hawking he later disappointed them with evidence that the physics of this universe really does not need God.

The current example with the Belgrade patriarch - a fake rocker and a combative amateur linguist is far from this kind of subtlety, here we are talking about a kind of mobilization of the public against ideas and practices that are called modern, therefore, they want to say - that all these "innovations" are not needed by those in whose name the patriarch of the SPC speaks.

But, essentially, there are probably few patriarchs who would not undertake to arrange all possible aspects of the human world and life. And who do not feel that it belongs to them.

The problem is that the mechanisms that seriously need to protect society from such ambitions (whoever they belong to) are almost non-existent in the societies created on the ruins of the SFRY.

That's why our "linguists", historical experts on the language of lies, were all over the place...

Bonus video:

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