To the party

Unforgivably, parties have become what Kombinat aluminum, Elastik or Titeks used to be. The party is a factory!

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New album by Random, Photo: Private archive
New album by Random, Photo: Private archive
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

To the party, wife, brother, groom/everyone is to my party/cat, dog, oak grows to my party/and the late father-in-law will join the party, voice by voice the government. These are the lyrics from the song To the party from the new album of Podgorica rapper Random. The album is called Oregano. It should be listened to carefully, because the previous album was good, and this one is even better. Dissects in Random order. From song to song, he only presses neuralgic points and reminds of affairs almost along the way, and what is equally important, he stamps the jargon, pulls out phenomenal analogies, linguistic stunts and constructions like Prti Bee Gee or Sunshine used to do.

The time has really come for people to ask themselves, is there anyone who is not in the party? You no longer ask people who they vote for, but which party you belong to, because membership is self-evident. It's like a favorite football team, or a road, a gym, everyone has their own way, everyone has their own game. Unforgivably, parties have become what Kombinat aluminum, Elastik or Titeks used to be. The party is a factory!

I went to parties that were organized in those abandoned factories in Podgorica. Music shakes, lasers shoot, people jump, people drink and enjoy themselves, because the backdrops and walls of those factories remain. And parties, shows, and sales should be organized in those factories, but the fact that today numerous halls serve as bait for investors is a completely different story.

Young people are not to blame for flocking to parties either. They have no other options, or it seems easier for them to get a job or the top if they get hooked on parties. They run into one, then make a transfer to another if things don't go well for them. I listened to a twenty-four-year-old girl confidently talking about her knowledge of the political system in Montenegro. He says he has experience, because "This is my third game". She lists all the parties she was in, she says, she didn't like it because she has no perspective. She wasn't proposing any revolutionary solutions or improvements, no, she was just weighing who would get more cake when the time comes, where she sees herself. That is, she asked herself, like most, "What's in it for me?". So, at the age of 24, you already need a party! And that's the result. Turns out that girl knows what she's doing, she secured herself a position. She made good transfers. She made wise decisions even though those three parties are on three different ideological points of view. Their views are not completely opposed, but who cares about minor differences. It is important that you jump on the party train at the right time and make it far. Nobody cares what will be said along the way and what kind of messages will be delivered to the people.

The most important thing for the party is to denigrate the competition. Because competition is a threat. Young people know this, too, who fry on social networks and as soon as they change their jersey, they delete it history on social networks and defend the new party colors with the same intensity. They not only defend, but also attack the party they were in until recently, the team they belonged to. Because there are no emotions, it's all just business. Sounds familiar, right?

There is no condemnation. But it must be stated. Not to be forgotten. It might be useful sometime. That's why it's extremely important that Random makes new albums. To put out strong songs. Because we are overwhelmed by a ton of information, affairs on a daily basis, we suppress bad memories. Random is here to pack them up, spit in their faces, to be heard, but to make sure the rhythm is good. A party is also partying. Everyone will find their song, everyone will find their essence. From "Zastava na Vučja" to, through "Jatagan" all the way to "Origano", it would be good to listen to Random's album, if there is anyone to hear it. So that it doesn't happen later like with many musicians, that they are celebrated more abroad than here. So listen to Random's tracks while they're hot.

It's worth it!

Bonus video:

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