The land of excuses

Having a problem? We offer an excuse. Of course, we don't have a solution

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Kosmač Fortress, Photo: Vuk Lajović
Kosmač Fortress, Photo: Vuk Lajović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

At every step and wherever a person turns, he can state the same thing, that he is in the "land of missed opportunities". I wrote about the sea last week. One can write about nature in general, for example, only about how much shutter stock can be earned if people and institutions were to activate themselves to jointly offer the world photos from Montenegro. Not to mention locations for filming movies, series and music videos. It is being worked on, but it is being done by individuals who seem to be talking in vain to the decision makers. They pronounce general places, and our places are everything, except general places.

Only when it comes to fortresses and the offer that can be created around these objects, we are the champions of travel opportunities. It is enough to look at Lesendro, Kosmač, Žabljak of Crnojević, the palaces of Balšić and Godinje, and understand what we have and what we could have. All of the above is only a part of the wider picture, and it is located in one small circle.

If you were to put the citizens of Podgorica on a polygraph and ask them what they should visit, Delta City, i.e. Big, would surely be among the top answers. Side by side with Cijevna, Duklja, Ribnica and Gorica. If not in front of them.

Many mountaineers and nature lovers who live outside of Montenegro, when the two words Durmitor and Prokletije are said, their pupils immediately dilate. It would be good to conduct a survey among the citizens of the larger cities of Montenegro, asking them what they know about Durmitor and Prokletije and how many times they have visited them. They would be surprised, not only by the negative answers, but probably also by the questioner's surprise at the question itself, that is, where did the question come from?!

Too often a person sees something beautiful and says "too bad". One word, big, shame. This is followed by our greatest capacity, speech. There is plenty of that, in every sense, in every sector, in many people. There is always someone to blame, whether it is an individual, time, circumstances, occupier, domestic traitor or mentality, but it is never the fault of the one questioned, never me or us.

Poet Radoman Kanjevac has a simultaneously beautiful and accurate song in which there are verses that can also describe Montenegro: That's why every song in my country/The honest confession of an idiot/Abandoned - because he likes to be left/That's the mentality/Anything but defeat is a failure/An attack on identity./Being left on time is considered the greatest success/In a country that most left people gave.

We have patented self-pity. Making excuses has become a hobby. The first ball, the most common command and impulse. The sentence is already started, and only at the end is the institution or person added. Sometimes it's a politician, parents, and sometimes it's the system. Sometimes rightly the system, the previous one or the one before the previous one, or the first one. But it's all someone else's fault. That other is always present, even as an ideal culprit, because it is necessary for the pronunciation.

People love that other person because if he wasn't there, there would be no one to blame everything on. He is there to support the existence of the excuse. Without him there is no work, there is no bread, without it they would have to look in the mirror.

But in a time of great absurdity, everything could be sold, in a time when everything can be packaged, maybe we can also package the excuse.

Welcome to Montenegro, the land of excuses. Having a problem? We offer an excuse. Of course, we don't have a solution. Take an excuse from the extensive menu. Nice excuse.

Bonus video:

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