I don't know, I'm not smart...

"Is there any new architecture and sustainability in spatial planning waiting for us? Are people who change the world ready to change, or do they spend their whole lives behind a mask"

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Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Speaking of some sub-questions, related to last Saturday's text, the following question arises: What is the essential difference between formalism and informalism?

Well, the essential difference is, we would say, that the formalist calculates, even in the initial phase, in the phase that precedes the conceptual design phase, that one day, when everything is finished, some world-renowned architectural critic will stop in front of his form and say: So this is the architecture of world renown!

An informalist, on the other hand, prefers to talk about...

The informalist prefers not to speak, and even if he wanted to say something - about one of his works - or to give a message - to some of his works - he would hardly be able to put it into words. Of course, here we are talking about the ideal that is hidden behind the one Misovo "auf fast nichts redüzüten Gebäude" - about an ideal that cannot take root in these remote areas of ours. Should we state that the so-called mental predispositions stand in the way of the unconditional appropriation of Mies's key postulate... Perhaps, you see, that is precisely the essential question...

Please, the adequate term is "thoughtful" - which is actually a desirable attribute we associate with informalism. Formalists, unlike informalists who like to think, are charmingly thoughtless. Neymar of world renown, the aforementioned Bjelopolski Le Corbusier, is not by nature charmingly thoughtless, far from it - but he is eager, for his part, to give the impression that it is precisely the disheveled informality - or the calculated informal move - or, if you really want, the calculatedly thoughtless creative gesture - that is at the root of his creative doctrine, i.e. gray (which is out of the question, of course).


I almost missed the announcement of the first Montenegrin or Podgorica "Days of Architecture"!

We know about Days of Architecture in Sarajevo, Days of Architecture in Niš, Days of Architecture in Banja Luka, Days of Architecture in Kragujevac, and we even had Piran "Days of Architecture", that is, Days of Architecture in Piran, Slovenia - and God knows where else we had Days of architecture - and soon, there is every chance, we will also have Montenegrin and Podgorica Days of Architecture.

I will mention, by the way, the "Days of Architects" (in contrast to the Days of Architecture), an event whose purpose is to stimulate the exchange of information on important topics related to the work of architects in Croatia, i.e. "in the environment of the European Economic Area" - behind which the Croatian Chamber stands of architects (independent unit). We don't have architect days, and it's quite certain that we won't have them in the foreseeable future. Why does no one here insist on the vision of the average Montenegrin architect - or young female architect, why not - in the environment of the European Economic Area? If we are already, they convince us from some political addresses, at the very threshold of that space? Perhaps, you see, that is precisely the essential question...

Well, if you thought that "Days of Architecture" was a brand, that is, a franchise - you were sorely mistaken. Each of the "Days of Architecture" is a story in itself.


Come on, I said a few days ago, to wait to see if there was an invitation to the engineering profession on the website of the Chamber of Engineers of Montenegro (IKCG, ingkomora.me) to contribute with their contributions to the design of the content of the next issue of Pogled magazine - number 41. Starting from number 2 - which was published in April, back in 2012 - I regularly and gladly respond to the mentioned invitations - because I always have something to say, I would like to emphasize and add. When I was there - no calls (still) - but I ran into the mentioned announcement, unprovoked.

The official theme of our "Days of Architecture" is "Architecture behind the mask", and behind the event is the recently very efficient and agile - Professional Chamber of Architects - which, I must stress, operates under the auspices of the mother of the IKCG.

So, the countdown to November 18 has begun, when the event's grand opening will be held - on which occasion the audience will be presented with a historic project titled "Exhibition and monograph: female architects in Montenegro in the period 2002-2022." - the "biggest", they say, "manifestation in the field of architectural activity organized in Montenegro" - behind which we again have SKA/IKCG.

The co-organizers and partners of the event are the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Montenegro, the Association of Architects of Montenegro (! - I was convinced that the SACG was extinguished, that it died a martyr's death, after Filip Aleksic, the mayor's oldest friend Vuković, raised his hands - therefore, I am glad that SACG is still alive) and ICE/ITA Italian Agency for Foreign Trade - and in those three days - from November 18 to 20 - the audience will be presented...

All important information is available at daniarhitekture.me.


"Architects change the world", shout those from ingkomora.me. "The world is changing and we are being asked to change as well." Or in translation: everything is changing - which, on the face of it, is not hard to believe - and the world, as such, is asking us, the architects of the young - many young, many sweet - and young architects - equally young and equally sweet - to we change, changing, along the way, ourselves "the same"...

"The corona virus pandemic," he continues, "has also affected the world, perhaps more than all architects so far. Somehow we got used to life behind the mask. The pandemic also affects architecture, and shows that we should turn to nature. Is there a new architecture and sustainability in spatial planning waiting for us? Are the people who change the world ready to change, or do they spend their whole lives behind a mask."

I don't know, I'm not smart...


Anyway, I would be happy to certify the gentleman Njiric (njirić + architects) - you have to hear that voice, which even an opera singer would not be ashamed of - and then Vasa Perović (and no Peru Vasović - Bevk Perović Arhitekti - with a capital "A") - because Vasa was up to the task every time I listened to him, and I listened to him three or four times. As for young people, I would give them a chance Kati Marunici i Nenad Ravnić (NFO architects, ZG) - but only if the organizer sends me a Pass for two people (for Dunjica and me) - which costs...

OK, all the important information, as I said, is available at daniarhitekture.me.

Bonus video: