Giancarlo Esposito admitted that he planned his own murder

The actor, best known for his role as Gus Fring in the series "Breaking Bad", was close to bankruptcy in 2008.

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Giancarlo Esposito as Gustavo Fring in the series "Breaking Bad", Photo: Printscreen YouTube
Giancarlo Esposito as Gustavo Fring in the series "Breaking Bad", Photo: Printscreen YouTube
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

American actor Giancarlo Esposito admitted that he thought about organizing his own murder in order to improve the financial situation of his family.

The actor, best known for his role as Gus Fring on "Breaking Bad," was close to bankruptcy in 2008 and admitted he was so desperate he tried to engineer his own murder so his family - four daughters and ex-wife Joy - could get money from his life insurance.

"I wondered if people get life insurance if they commit suicide. My wife didn't know why I was asking such questions. I started making plans. If someone accidentally hit me, my children would get the insurance money. I have four children, I wanted to have a life. It was a difficult moment, I was literally thinking about self-destruction so that they could survive. I had sunk so low," the actor recalled in an interview with SiriusXM.

A year later, he got the role of Gus Fring, in which he excelled, and he repeated it in the series "Better Call Saul", the spinoff of "Breaking Bada".

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