What does it mean when an acquaintance, an ex, a rich man, a friend come to your dreams...

Having sex with your ex-boyfriend in your dreams does not mean that you are still secretly in love with him and should return to him.

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Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Some people in your wildest dreams can appear for a very simple reason - they are attractive to you. However, very often these dreams have a meaning that has nothing to do with sex.

1. Acquaintance

Have you ever woken up confused because a person you met half a year ago has suddenly appeared in your wildest dreams?

Do not be confused, because you are not the only person to whom this happens. Psychologist and dream expert Lauri Lovenberg says that it is a common fantasy, the media reports. Dreams about acquaintances do not mean that you are attracted to them, but simply that there is "something" about them that makes them wander into your dream.

2. Anyone who is not your partner

Dreams about people you are not in a relationship with can haunt you like a nightmare, but they are also completely normal.

And if they happen often, it would be good to think a little about your real sex life. Does it happen often enough, are you satisfied, do you lack variety...?

3. A colleague from work

Sexual dreams about people you work with are common because they are the people you see the most. One of the reasons why a colleague is in your dreams can be that he is attracted to you.

However, dreaming about sex with a colleague does not necessarily mean that this sex is your real desire. It is possible that you just want your business cooperation to improve. Sex in these dreams can symbolize the desire for better contact and cooperation.

4. The boss

If you dream of having sex with your boss, it is important to consider the fact that it is about someone who is in a position of power over you. Consider whether you should connect with your boss in some way, for example by working on a project.

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Also, dreaming of sexual relations with your boss can also mean that in some aspect of your life you need to be a little more "the boss" - so think about the areas in which you should or want to take on a little more responsibility.

5. Rich man

Here the matter is simple. Sex with a rich man in dreams means that you yourself crave wealth. Dreams involving sex are not necessarily just about what you need, but also about what you long for. Sex with a rich man is, therefore, a clear sign that you want to be rich, but this is something about you that you probably know without even dreaming.

6. Someone who is not attractive to you

When you dream of having sex with someone, physical attraction is usually the least important. That person appeared in your dreams because of something that stands out most about them. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of that person who is not normally physically attractive to you?

There is probably something about that person, some part of their personality, that your subconscious wants to become a part of your life and your personality.

7. Best friend

Think of the first three things that come to mind when you think of your best friend, and then apply them to yourself.

Would you like to incorporate any of those traits and qualities into your own life? If yes, here is the reason why your friend wandered into such a dream.

Here, too, the aforementioned applies - sexual dreams are less about the people who appear in them, and more about what these people represent in your current life situation. Sex with your best friend in your dreams may just be a reflection of your closeness in real life that has nothing to do with physical attraction.

8. Famous person

Sexy dreams with celebrities have two possible meanings. The first is that you find the celebrity you dreamed about attractive and such a dream is just your legitimate fantasy.

The second option again involves thinking a little deeper about that person. This time, think about the first three things that come to mind when you think about why this person is famous. If it's a musician, maybe there's a hidden message for you in one of his songs that made him end up in your dreams.

9. Ex-Boyfriend

Having sex with your ex-boyfriend in your dreams does not mean that you are still secretly in love with him and should return to him, quite the opposite.

You dream of an ex-boyfriend because of what he represented in your life – first love, passion or desire.

The first true love and serious relationship remind us of the time when we felt alive, and the ex-boyfriend will come to your dreams for several reasons - because you are currently alone, because you are lonely or you are in a relationship that is not exciting for you.

Having sex with your ex-boyfriend in your dream is actually a way for your subconscious mind to remind you that you should bring excitement back into your life.

10. Partner

If your boyfriend or husband appears in your sexual dreams, it is usually an indicator that the relationship you have is strong and a sign that you are becoming aware of some of his other qualities. And if your partner is dominant in your dreams, this may suggest that you are very attracted to his determination in real life.

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