Men, honestly: This is why we think a woman is bad in bed

Some women know that by denying intimate moments, they punish their partners or blackmail them with it

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Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

How good or bad someone is in bed - that could be debated, because what is bad for someone, is fantastic for another - and vice versa. Sex should be something that takes the relationship between two people to a higher level of intimacy and emotion, but not everyone thinks so.

A real man who sincerely loves his wife will never tell her, or anyone else, that she is bad in bed. Those who do are actually talking more about themselves than about her.

These are some of the reasons why some men may consider sex to be of insufficient quality:

A woman's insecurity about her physical appearance

Many women are uncomfortable undressing in front of their partner or making love with the lights on. It just shows that they think they are not beautiful and perfect enough, and they are ashamed of it. This in turn leads to low self-esteem, shyness and the fact that they cannot actually relax in bed.

Nobody is perfect. Such a person simply does not exist. We all have flaws, and everyone should be aware of that and accept both their own and other people's flaws.

A man who sincerely and deeply loves the woman he lives with will also love all her flaws. So, relax and let your partner get to know your body to the smallest detail. Gather your courage and put on a sexy piece of underwear. You will feel more confident and attractive, and therefore more relaxed.

Lack of intimacy and closeness

Being close and intimate with your partner is the key to any quality relationship. Sex is the pinnacle of that. Some women know that by denying intimate moments, they punish their partners or blackmail them with it. It is anything but good and smart. Manipulation of any kind, especially this kind, cannot end well.

There are women who deny intimacy to their partner unconsciously, especially in long relationships. A casual hug, a kiss, a kind word should happen every day. By doing so, you show someone that you sincerely love them just the way they are, and that in turn leads to a better sex life.

The woman's increasingly neglected appearance

Being in a relationship for a long time doesn't mean you have to completely neglect your appearance. It's normal that you won't put on make-up every day in the morning just to make it more attractive to your partner, because he loves you even without a layer of paint on your face. But sometimes you need to make a little more effort and rekindle the passion that was there at the beginning of the relationship.

photo: Shutterstock

Also, do not allow yourself to constantly walk around the house, for example, with dirty and disheveled hair, in torn tracksuits, with hairy legs and with an increasing number of pounds. If you let it, you'll not only look worse, you'll feel worse too. Your self-confidence will drop, and this will affect your sex life as well.

Don't wait for the right mood for sex to come, make an effort - if you're not in that mood, change it.

Touch each other, massage, light a candle, play light, sensual music, pour wine, look into each other's eyes... Manage your time and events the way you want. Don't wait for something to happen by chance, including sex.

Some men told what bothers them about the women they have sex with:

  • I don't like it when a woman just lays down and spreads her legs, and waits for me to do everything. There is nothing worse than that.
  • Passivity is awful to me, when a woman seems to have no idea about her own body and what she likes. I can't describe how frustrating it is when the woman you're in bed with doesn't respond and I can't get feedback on whether something is good or not.
  • If a woman is acting, it totally chills me.
  • I hate it when she makes fake noises during sex, I'd rather her moan softly so it's genuine than fake scream.
  • It's not nice at all when he compares you to an ex-boyfriend. I personally don't mind that she had others before me, but I don't want to think about it.
  • The lack of communication before or during sex bothers me. If she likes something or wants something, I would like her to tell me.

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