Pharmacists salary of selected doctors

According to the calculation, about 820.000 euros should be allocated annually from the state budget for the implementation of this law without previous work experience.

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Photo: Assembly of Montenegro
Photo: Assembly of Montenegro
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The women's club in the parliament asks fellow deputies to support the proposal to equalize the basic salary of pharmacists and selected doctors and dentists.

In the parliamentary procedure, this club submitted amendments to the law on salaries of employees in the public sector, according to which, if adopted at the plenum, the coefficient for the calculation of salaries for pharmacology specialists would be 19,02, and for doctors of pharmacy 15,99.

In the explanation of the bill, it is stated that the current law does not recognize doctors of pharmacy as equal health workers, that is, their contribution and influence on preserving health with doctors of medicine and dentistry.

"For the implementation of this law, it is necessary to provide additional money in the budget. The coefficient that will equalize doctors of pharmacy with other health workers, doctors of medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine is 15,99. Calculating the difference in earnings of 422,10 euros in the gross amount (4,69 x 90 euros), as well as taking into account the concentration of this staff in the health institution of the Pharmacy of Montenegro "Montefarm", where 162 doctors of pharmacy are currently employed, we estimate that for the implementation of this law, an allocation from the budget of Montenegro of no less than 68.320,20 euros per month, that is, no less than 820.562,40 euros annually, without previous experience, is stated in the explanation of the proposed law.

The bill was included in the agenda of the fifth session of the spring session.

"In the previous Branch Collective Agreements (GKU), doctors of pharmacy were classified in the same group, i.e. had the same coefficient as doctors of medicine, doctors of dentistry and medicine. According to the latest changes of GKU, in addition to doctors of medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine, non-medical staff (VII level of qualification), as well as associates in medicine (specialists, psychologists and others) have a higher coefficient than doctors of pharmacy. For example, in "Montefarm", lawyers, economists, graduate managers have a higher coefficient compared to doctors of pharmacy, who are the key job holders of this institution", it is written in the explanation of the proposed law.

It was stated that the proposed amendments to the law correct the omission made with regard to doctors of pharmacy, including graduated pharmacists - medical biochemists, during the drafting of amendments to the subject law, where the salary coefficient for doctors of medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine was increased to 15,99 .

For example, in the health institution of the Pharmacy of Montenegro "Montefarm", lawyers, economists, and graduate managers have a higher coefficient compared to doctors of pharmacy, who are the key job holders of this institution," it is written in the explanation of the proposed law.

"It is important to mention that the Government, during the discussion on the budget for 2024, by accepting the conclusion of the deputies Boris Mugoša obliged to resolve the issue of the value of the coefficient for pharmacists in the course of this year precisely through the Law on Salaries in the Public Sector. As MPs and members of the women's club in Skuša, and on the necessity of respecting the applicable laws, as well as supporting gender equality by contributing to the reduction of the gender gap in earnings in the field of healthcare, and recognizing the fact that over 90 percent of employees in this sector are women, it is stated in the explanation.

It was clarified that pharmacy students obtain their degree at the Faculty of Medicine in Podgorica, through the study program - pharmacy, on one of three equal study programs - medicine, pharmacy and dentistry.

"After completing their studies, they receive the title of Doctor of Pharmacy, as well as Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Dentistry. At the end of the study program, which has clearly defined and internationally comparable learning outcomes in the European area of ​​higher education, doctors of pharmacy, in addition to the fields of education, science and research, economy and legislation, are qualified to perform work in primary, secondary and tertiary health care, institutes and institutes. In the health care system of Montenegro, the work is done by pharmacists, masters of pharmacy and other equivalent titles, as well as pharmacists - medical biochemists who complete their higher education at the faculties of foreign countries, and whose titles are recognized in accordance with the Law on the Recognition of Foreign Educational Documents and Equalization of Qualifications. , it is stated in the explanation.

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