Innovation and creativity - the way to a common future

Organized event with the aim of highlighting the importance of intellectual property in achieving the goals of sustainable development and a better, more sustainable future for all

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Photo: Ministry of Economic Development
Photo: Ministry of Economic Development
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Through the protection of intellectual property, authors are enabled to benefit from their original ideas and encourage further research and progress that are key to achieving the goals of sustainable development, it was assessed at the event of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Innovation Fund.

On the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Innovation Fund organized an event called Innovation and creativity - the path to a common future, with the aim of highlighting the importance of intellectual property in achieving the goals of sustainable development and a better, more sustainable future for all.

The manager for international cooperation and financing at the Innovation Fund, Snežana Šćepanović, said that innovation and creativity are driving forces that transform society, improve technology and improve the way we live.

"The Innovation Fund of Montenegro influences the creation of a favorable environment for the development of innovations, providing not only financial support, but also professional mentoring assistance through education for the commercialization of innovations and intellectual property", said Šćepanović.

She said that through its programs, the Fund encourages micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, start-up companies, researchers and all creative individuals to turn their ideas into market-competitive products and services, which directly contributes to the economic growth and sustainable development of Montenegro.

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photo: Ministry of Economic Development

The representative of the Ministry of Economic Development, Dragana Ranitović, who is the head of the Directorate for Intellectual Property, reminded those present of the role of the Ministry, as the leading institution for the protection of intellectual property in Montenegro and the contact point for cooperation with WIPO.

World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated on April 26, based on the decision of the member states of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 2000, because it is the day of entry into force of the WIPO Convention.

"It is the date when we are reminded how important the role of intellectual property is in encouraging innovation and creativity, which in the modern world represent the flywheel of progress. This day is also an opportunity to highlight the contribution of intellectual property to the development of industry, science and society as a whole," said Ranitović.

She emphasized the role of WIPO as a leader in the development of a balanced and efficient international intellectual property system that provides innovation and creativity for the benefit of individuals and society.

A video message from WIPO Director General Darren Tang was also broadcast, which is an invitation to everyone to protect the creations of their minds for personal benefit and the benefit of society.

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photo: Ministry of Economic Development

WIPO representative Irina Chicu confirmed WIPO's commitment to cooperation with Montenegro, and then spoke about the importance of innovation and creativity for the economy and society.

She emphasized the contribution of intellectual property to achieving the goals of sustainable development established by the United Nations.

Marko Simeunović and Davor Ćorić presented their success story through the presentation of Smart milk., the path from idea to patent. The goal of the idea was to bring the academic community and industry together, because in Montenegro there is knowledge, intelligence and creativity to implement ideas. They protected their invention with a patent called the Lot system for monitoring parameters of raw milk in real time, which connects all subjects in the food value chain.

The event brought together representatives of state institutions from the system of protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, representatives of the innovation and university community and numerous citizens who expressed their interest in the theme of the meeting through a large number of questions and comments. (end) sam/sr

Bonus video: