Leposavic extinguished the hope of the SDP to be able to reach the mandate

The holder of the electoral list "Justice for All" withdrew the objection and constitutional appeals, which created the conditions for the almost official announcement of the results of the parliamentary elections held on June 11.

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Withdrawn objection related to three polling stations: Leposavić, Photo: Pr centar
Withdrawn objection related to three polling stations: Leposavić, Photo: Pr centar
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The holder of the "Justice for All" electoral list, Vladimir Leposavić, withdrew his objection and constitutional appeals to the results of the parliamentary elections, leaving the Social Democratic Party without hope of achieving parliamentary status.

The State Election Commission (SEC) confirmed to "Vijesta" that Leposavić withdrew the objection related to three polling stations (106, 106A and 106B) in the Podgorica settlement of Donja Gorica.

"Given that with this submission I waive the objection, I propose that the State Election Commission without delay issue a decision suspending the proceedings on the objection," Leposavic stated in the Submission on Waiver of the Objection that he submitted to the SEC.

He asked the SEC to deliver the decision to him by post.

RTV Nikšić announced that Leposavić also withdrew all constitutional appeals.

Leposavic did not answer "Vijesta" whether this is true.

He filed constitutional appeals, among other things, for rejecting objections to the elections at a polling station in Kolašin. The SDP expected the Constitutional Court to accept Leposavic's appeal on irregularities at polling station number 1 (JU SMŠ "Braća Selić") in Kolašin, in order to achieve parliamentary status. Leposavić's complaint is similar to the one adopted by the Constitutional Court regarding the polling station in Cetinje, where the vote was annulled due to a discrepancy between the number of coupons and voters.

In the repeated elections at the polling station "Hunting Partisan Detachment II" in Cetinje, the SDP failed to get the required number of votes.

According to the results published by the Center for Democratic Transition, SDP was supported by 375 voters at that polling station, but still failed to get a seat in the state parliament, for which they needed more than 400 votes. Voting at the "Lovcen Partisan Detachment II" polling station was repeated after the Constitutional Court accepted the SDP's appeal against the decision of the State Election Commission.

Nikola Đurašković, the holder of that party's electoral list in the parliamentary elections, said on Saturday evening that the SDP achieved a great result in Cetinje, stating that they lacked 60 votes to enter the Montenegrin parliament.

"There are 60 votes missing that will surely be won if there is an expected repetition at another polling station," said Đurašković.

After the withdrawal of constitutional appeals and objections, the possibility is opened for an almost official announcement of the results of the parliamentary elections held on June 11.

In the elections, the Europe Movement now won 24 mandates, the Zajedno coalition, gathered around the Democratic Party of Socialists, 21 mandates, the For the Future of Montenegro coalition 13 mandates, the Democrats and Civic Movement URA coalition 11 mandates, and the Bosniak Party six mandates. The coalition of the Socialist People's Party and Demos got two parliamentary seats, as many as the Albanian Forum. The Albanian Alliance and the Croatian Civic Initiative each received one. Apart from the SDP, the list "Justice for All", the Movement for Changes, the Movement for Upheaval, the People's Coalition "Složno i doka" and the list "Mi momoje" remained without parliamentary status.

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