Laković announces a complaint against the interlocutor of "Vijesti"; Jovović: They hereby acknowledge that the information is correct

Laković, Milović and Živković claim that "Vijesti" "reported untruths", the editor-in-chief of "Vijesti" told them that he was looking forward to the recording of the session in advance

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Milović and Laković, Photo: Luka Zeković
Milović and Laković, Photo: Luka Zeković
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The president of the parliamentary club Pokreta Evropa Sad (PES) and the Committee for Security and Defense, Miodrag Laković, announced that he would file a criminal complaint against an unknown person for revealing official secrets, after details from the closed session of that parliamentary body appeared in "Vijesta".

He told DAn that he would present the proposal on submitting the application at the Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday.

"In a conversation with colleagues, we will consider making this decision jointly, and if the proposal is not adopted, I will probably submit the application myself," said Laković.

Laković, his party colleague and Minister of Justice Andrej Milović, as well as MP and leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Danijel Živković claim that the "News" text from the closed session of the Security and Defense Committee "stated untruths".

The head of the Special Police Department (SPO), Predrag Šuković, said during the closed part of the Committee's session, according to several interlocutors of "Vijesti" who participated in the work, that Milović maintains contacts with members of several organized criminal groups from the north of Montenegro.

At the session, Šuković referred to the police's data on the activities of a dozen of those people and their encounters with Milović, including crossing the border in the same car, frequent stays in a hotel in the north of Montenegro and the like, according to "Vijesti" sources.

At the session, Milović did not deny contacts with alleged criminals, but said that he did not know that they were members of organized criminal groups, the interlocutors said.

"Everything is absolutely incorrect. As a regular consumer of Vijesti's media content, I regret that you allow someone to abuse you and encourage you to publish articles in such an 'informative' tabloid manner with false information," X Laković wrote online.

Živković also asserts that incorrect information was presented.

"The sessions of the Security Committee, which are closed to the public, are aimed at communicating secret information that, for legal reasons, may not be available to the public. This kind of writing by Vijesti represents a dangerous precedent and a violation of the law, especially since the information presented is incorrect. I call on everyone to respect law and that the topic of security should not be an area where cheap political points will be gained or media circulation will be increased," said Živković.

In a post on the X network, Milović thanked Laković for denying writing to Vijesta.

"From this kind of writing and from such untruths, the only one who should turn green is the author of this piece, who has already admitted once that the title does not match the text where he also targeted me. The only one who can turn green, because it is obvious that the one who informs journalism and the public cannot blush. That's all I have to say regarding the veracity of today's text and the cover in Vijesti. Thank you to MP Laković, who debunked this article," Milović wrote.

The author of the text, Mihailo Jovović, responded to the allegations of PES and DPS officials.

"I think that deputy Laković, before filing a report against an unknown person, should decide for himself whether 'absolutely everything is incorrect' in my text, including the fact that there was a meeting of the Committee in a 'deaf room', in which case there can be no criminal offense divulging official secrets. Common sense dictates that 'disclosing official secrets' can only refer to divulging accurate information from a closed Board meeting. If 'absolutely everything is false', then the 'injured' can file a private suit against me for defamation or insult." Jovovich said.

He added that the same applies to MP Živković.

"Who claims that 'the law was broken' and then says that the allegations are incorrect. It is best that they consult again. And in the case of a criminal report and a lawsuit, the prosecutor or the court will have to determine whether the information from my text is true or not, by request a recording from the session, which I am looking forward to in advance. And I claim that the information in the text is correct, and that is the most important thing to me".

Jovovichphoto: Savo Prelevic

Jovović said that Milović, last night I confirmed the allegations from the Board in the text to "Viješta".

"Even the ones we didn't ask him about, such as the justification that Šuković accused him of being at a party in a hotel with 100 people, including people of security interest, of knowing the owners of the restaurants he represented as a lawyer, and of sitting in a bar in Podgorica where security-interested persons, as well as judges, prosecutors, policemen, etc. go. And then today he says that these are 'untruths'. He could have said that last night. But he didn't. So, there is one person who is not NN. Accusations of 'informatization' are absurd, because the private life of a public official, which can have bad security consequences for state interests, ceases to be that," concluded Jovović.

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