Novaković Đurović: GP URA will vote for the dismissal of Mandić

"There are many events after his appointment, including his stay in the election headquarters of a political party in another country, as well as the visit of Milorad Dodik, which took place in the Assembly building. We believe that the function of the President of the Assembly cannot behave in such a way."

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Novaković Đurović, Photo: URA
Novaković Đurović, Photo: URA
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Civic Movement (GP) URA did not vote for the election of Andrija Mandić to the position of President of the Parliament, and that it is completely clear that they will vote for his dismissal, said the member of that party in the Parliament of Montenegro, Ana Novaković Đurović.

"There are a lot of events after his appointment, including his stay in the election headquarters of a political party in another country, as well as the visit of Milorad Dodik, which took place in the Assembly building. We believe that the function of the President of the Assembly cannot act in such a way," she pointed out. she is a guest on the show "Link" on Radio Montenegro.

She added that she does not hear harsh tones from the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) regarding the work of the current government.

"There is material for this and that. We have a direct return to ideological divisions, that is legitimate, but in my opinion it cannot be the only topic you are dealing with, or behind it is that the DPS somehow protects Spajić".

Commenting on Mandić's moves, Novaković-Đurović said that he has not deviated from his policy.

"The question is what the rest of the parliamentary majority thinks about these moves, especially Spajić and PES. Then it will be clear to us where this current majority is ideologically and value-wise," she said.

The proposal to dismiss Mandić will be on the agenda of the Assembly session on March 11.

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