Krvavac: Milatović should leave vanity aside for the sake of Montenegro's success

"The government, headed by Prime Minister Spajić, and the current parliamentary majority, unblocked the process of European integration and brought Montenegro to the position of leader in the Western Balkans, which was recognized by all EU officials and our international partners."

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Krvavac, Photo: Boris Pejović
Krvavac, Photo: Boris Pejović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Member of the PES Presidency and head of Prime Minister Milojko Spajić's cabinet, Branko Krvavac called on the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, to "put his personal vanity aside, for the sake of the success of the EU path".

"The government, headed by Prime Minister Spajić, and the current parliamentary majority, unblocked the process of European integration and brought Montenegro to the position of leader in the Western Balkans, which was recognized by all EU officials and our international partners," Krvavac said in a statement.

He added that integration into the EU is a decades-long dream of the vast majority of Montenegrin citizens.

"Which obliges us to fully commit to reforms, which will transform our society to the benefit of all. That is why accession to the EU must be above everything and everyone, and in the name of that, we need a general social consensus and dedicated work on reforms. If the president of the country wants good for Black Gori should, for the sake of the success of this process, try to rise above his personal vanity and instead of representing the previous governments, work for the good of all citizens, within the competence prescribed by the Constitution," said Krvavac.

He said that Milatović only a few months ago asked the European Commission to postpone last year's Progress Report, in order to give the Government and the Parliament more time, which, as Krvavac adds, contradicts itself, and the last report on (non)progress.

"That's not surprising, because the president tends to forget things quickly, because he doesn't seem to remember on what basis he got the support of the citizens. These are programs that are the priorities of this government, but maybe they don't suit him now because they are being successfully implemented, to the benefit of everyone To be even more specific, the so-called co-author of Europe Now 1 did not initially support the program, which brought the greatest benefits to the citizens of Montenegro, and on whose results he reached the position he is in," concluded Krvavac.

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