Knežević replied to Eraković: Turn zero, I can't hear you from the MIGs

The leader of the DNP on the comment of the vice president of the DPS on his visit to the exercises of the Serbian Army

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Knežević, Photo: Boris Pejović
Knežević, Photo: Boris Pejović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The President of the Democratic People's Party, Milan Knežević, responded to the vice-president of the Democratic Party of Socialists, Jevto Eraković, who commented on the departure of Knežević and the President of the Assembly, Andrija Mandić, to today's military exercise by the Serbian Army.

"Hello, is that you Jevto? Turn zero, I can't hear you from the MIGs. Or send a message if it's urgent, the tanks are moving now," Knežević wrote today on the Iks social network.

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