DPS Pljevlja: We are "reprimanding" Lekić because of crime and abuses in the Coal Mine

"In the coal mine, Lekić is no longer called 'Mr. Percent', because he negotiates 'his part' during the delivery of coal and procurement of machinery, and everyone knows that. The formula is simple: he sells coal well below, and procures machinery well above the market price prices"

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DPS, Photo: DPS
DPS, Photo: DPS
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Municipal Committee of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) of Pljevlja announced today that they are targeting the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pljevlja Coal Mine, Milan Lekić, solely because of what they said was "his crimes and abuses in the Coal Mine".

They were reacting to Lekić's earlier statement in which he said, among other things, that the DPS is attacking him because they will never forgive him for not allowing the coal mine to be shut down.

"When the Democratic Party of Socialists pointed out to the public the past (mis)deeds that were the product of various 'directorships' of Milan Lekić, he 'coveted' that we were 'spoiling' him because he is a Serb, and when he was stealing as executive director of Rudnik, the defense is different - we are 'kissing' at him because he saved the coal mine from being shut down. We wonder how they did not appoint the 'messiah from Pljevlja and the mine' as the executive director of the mine after such impressive results," states the statement of DPS Pljevlja.

They added that Lekić "sells coal well below the market price, and procures machinery well above the market price".

"In the coal mine, Lekić is no longer called 'Mr. Percent', because he negotiates 'his part' during the delivery of coal and procurement of machinery, and everyone knows that. The formula is simple: he sells coal well below, and procures machinery well above the market price Prices. Don't mention it sitting down. Mijo Lekić, not because you are a Serb or a "savior" of Rudnik, but because you buy your freedom from those who are preventing the prosecution from reacting. Even though you are the first 'pick' of the line minister for strengthening the competences of the Board of Directors, even Dalai Lama's defense will not save you this time", concludes the statement of DPS Pljevlja.

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