The protection of the area in Kolašin has been pending for years

In addition to Komovo, planned protected areas are also Sinjajevina, Kapetanovo jezero, Mrtvice canyon...

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Captain Lake, Photo: Jelena Jovanovic
Captain Lake, Photo: Jelena Jovanovic
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The establishment of new and sustainable management of existing protected areas is one of the goals of the strategic development plan of the municipality of Kolašin for the past four-year period. This is a project that was among those whose implementation the local administration did almost nothing.

From that area, the only progress is that the Municipal Assembly (SO) formally declared the area of ​​Mount Komovi belonging to Kolašin as a Nature Park in December 2019. However, to date, even in that area, a valid way of neither protection nor management has been established.

The strategic development plan also planned the establishment of the Sinjajevina nature park. In addition to the nature parks, the local administration promised that they would work on the protection of Kapetan's lake, Torna and Gradište, Mrtvica canyon, certain caves, trees...

"In protected areas such as regional parks, controlled exploitation of natural resources is allowed, except in the first zone. The natural resources of the area of ​​Komovo and Sinjajevina are forest wealth (natural beauty, timber, medicinal plants and forest fruits, bio and geodiversity, drinking water for bottling, decorative stone, minerals, etc.). The implementation of medicinal plant cultivation projects in protected areas is in the initial phase (UNDP, NGO Natura). The municipality of Kolašin has the possibility to obtain certificates for recognizable agricultural products from the areas of Bjelasica, Sinjajevina, Komovo, Morački planina...", it was explained four years ago in the Strategic Development Plan.

Dead Man's Canyon
Dead Man's Canyonphoto: Jelena Jovanović

Also, the local administration then undertook to prepare an analysis of potential areas for protection by 2022, as well as a study of the protection of individual areas or natural objects. Also, to determine the managers of protected areas, make an analysis of natural resources in those territories, try to lease them, but also to brand products from protected areas.

The establishment of the Partnership Council for Nature Protection was also planned.

"The establishment of the Partnership Council for Nature Protection will lead to the establishment of a working team that would deal with the identification of natural areas for protection, the way of managing and promoting protected areas. In addition, the council would deal with the preservation and improvement of public green areas as well as privately owned areas that have a high environmental value. The council will consider the general state of the environment, the quality of individual segments, issues related to waste management...", it is written in the strategic development plan of the municipality of Kolašin.

Mount Komovi
Mount Komoviphoto: Shutterstock

However, unlike the Capital City and Andrijevica, in Kolašin no company has yet been formed to manage part of the territory of the "Komovi" Nature Park (PP), which belongs to that municipality. Adequate valorization and protection of around 6.160 hectares of the protected area, which includes Jabuka, Mateševo, Sunga and Kraljske Bare, have been missing until today.

In the Local Community (MZ) of Kraljska Bara and in the Association for the Protection of Komovo (UZKOM), as they recently told "Vijesta", they still expect to see at least one concrete activity "that would show a minimum of concern for that protected area".

The management plan proposal for the territory in the Kolašin part was created the year before last. As written in that document, the Kolašin area is now managed by the Secretariat for Environmental Protection. The plan proposed to establish a new company or agency that would perform that work.

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