"Alek and Ana" the youngest learn about traffic

According to Vladana Mitrović from "Alfa Center", the comic also served to promote cycling as the healthiest and most environmentally friendly form of transportation, as well as the protection of vulnerable categories of society in traffic, namely people with disabilities

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From the comics exhibition, Photo: Svetlana Mandić
From the comics exhibition, Photo: Svetlana Mandić
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The NGO "Alfa centar" presented the first educational comic book about traffic, "Alek and Ana", at Nikšić's Freedom Square, and the comic book exhibition, as well as an opportunity for little ones to learn basic traffic rules and regulations through pictures and verse, will last a month.

"This is the first educational comic that deals with the analysis and processing of those traffic areas that are the most necessary for preschool and early school-aged children. On Freedom Square, we exhibited a single page of the comic book, and the main areas we promoted were safe pedestrian movement, crossing the street at the pedestrian crossing and traffic lights, the rules that must be followed when traveling at night, which are the safe zones for playing and cycling, and also we also included the obligation to use seat belts and car seats", said Vladana Mitrović from "Alfa Center".

According to her, the strip also served to promote cycling as the healthiest and most environmentally friendly mode of transportation, as well as the protection of vulnerable categories of society in traffic, namely people with disabilities.

Luka Rakojević, comic theorist, and illustrator Marko Janjušević participated in the creation of the comic.

"With the project funds, we had the opportunity to print 250 copies of the comic, and we were not able to give one copy to every child of preschool and early school age in Nikšić, so this is a way to introduce them to the content of the comic and the messages that we wanted we send," Mitrović said.

As she emphasized, they opted for comics and rhyming messages because long-term experience in the implementation of educational activities has shown that for children of preschool and early school age, content presented in this way is the most receptive.

"This is what will be used in the education of both current and future generations, so that our 'Alek and Ana' will continue to live even after the realization of this project", ordered Vladana and invited parents, as well as employees in kindergartens and schools, to visit the exhibition with the little ones, as well as to devote additional time when it comes to traffic education.

The exhibition was opened in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs of Montenegro, as part of the project "Comic strip for the education of the youngest road users Alek and Ana".

Bonus video: