Des Kars: The Ministry is considering moving the "Mona Lisa" to a separate room, we are not satisfied with the way it is displayed

The Mona Lisa is in the "Hall of State", the largest in the Louvre, opposite the largest painting in that museum, "The Wedding at Cana" by Paolo Veronese, and next to other paintings by the great Venetian masters from the 16th century

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Mona Lisa, Photo: Shutterstock
Mona Lisa, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Ministry of Culture of France is considering improving the conditions for exhibiting Leonardo da Vinci's painting "Mona Lisa" in the Louvre Museum in Paris and moving it to a special hall - the director of that museum, Laurence Des Cars, announced today.

The Mona Lisa is in the "Hall of State", the largest in the Louvre, opposite the largest painting in that museum, "The Wedding at Cana" by Paolo Veronese, and next to other paintings by the great Venetian masters from the 16th century.

Des Kars said on public radio France Enter that she thinks that "Mona" Lisa, which is one of the most famous paintings in the world history of painting, deserves a special room, just for her.

"We are not satisfied with the way the 'Mona Lisa' is displayed, so in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture we are thinking about the improvement that seems to me to be necessary," she said.

Des Kars added that 80 percent of the visitors who come to the Louvre, and in 2023 they were almost nine million in total and more than 20.000 a day, come to see the "Mona Lisa", which is a pressure on the museum's infrastructure and affects the safety of visitors and exhibits.

That's why the number of visitors is limited to 30.000 per day and will be the same during the summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris.

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