Irinej: Storm is a crime planned by Croatia, I condemn the silence of the Catholic Church

The Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church said that the sufferings in "Oluja" are equal to the sufferings of the Serbs during the Second World War
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Patriarch Irinej in Krušedol, Photo: Betaphoto
Patriarch Irinej in Krušedol, Photo: Betaphoto
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Irinej said today in Krušedol that the "Storm" was a crime planned by the Croatian state and condemned the silence of the Roman Catholic Church, which, he said, empowered many who did evil and "remained unconvinced by that divine organization," RTS reported.

"The most tragic thing is that the ideas of crimes that happened in the past are still heard today, and it is our duty to remember, and to forgive as Christians when the descendants of former criminals are aware of the great sacrifices and show their apology and repentance," Irinej said. on the commemoration of the Day of Remembrance of all Serbs who died and were exiled in the armed action "Storm".

He said that today is the day of remembrance for the many innocent victims and killed members of the Serbian people.

"The aim of that crime was to completely cleanse that region of the presence of the Serbian people, a people who lived in those areas for centuries, a people who greatly contributed to everything in the life and history of the Croatian people. That plan represents a plan by which they planned to exterminate every root and every trace of the Serbian people in the areas where they lived," he said.

Patriarch Irinej said that the suffering in "Storm" is equal to the suffering of Serbs during the Second World War, and that there is no difference in the number of victims either.

He announced that the SPC will address the head of the Roman Catholic Church regarding the service of the Catholic bishops in Kosovo at the ruins of a Serbian Orthodox church.

"We also heard their words that it was their land, that it was before any religion, that it was before Christ. I would also add that, according to them, it was probably before the existence of the world. These are all ideas from the past that unfortunately they still do today," he said.

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