Drones instead of fireworks

The German town of Bad Salzuflen will welcome the New Year with a spectacle, but quieter and more environmentally friendly than water cannons - with 100 drones

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Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The city authorities do not reveal exactly what the New Year's event in Bad Salzuflen will look like, i.e. what exactly the drones will "draw" in the sky:

"We want to surprise our guests," says Felix Klemeyer from the city's marketing department, which is the organizer of the New Year's drone show. He reveals only this: there will be a countdown, and the symbols of the city will also be visible.

A little before midnight, 100 drones will fly into the air, and the spectacle will last from 10 to 15 minutes.

The drones should take off from the green areas of the spa park. Visitors will stand near the concert hall with a great view of the celestial spectacle, enjoying music, food and drink.

Only bad weather can spoil the plan

For safety reasons, no drones will fly directly over the heads of the nearly 5.000 visitors.

The color spectacle could fail only because of the weather. If there is too much rain, too much snow or too much wind, the drones cannot fly.

It is the only urban drone performance on New Year's Eve in the most populous state in Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia.

Environmental protection

Compared to fireworks, drones are significantly quieter and "at least equally visible," the City Administration of Bad Salzuflen points out.

"We have already said goodbye to the classic fireworks, which were traditionally held in previous years," says the mayor of Bad Salzuflen, Dirk Tolkemit.

People and animals suffer from fireworks

Many pets and wild animals suffer from loud firecrackers and rockets every year on New Year's Eve. Exploding fireworks also cause high levels of fine dust pollution at the very beginning of the New Year.

But security concerns also play a significant role. For these reasons, a number of cities in North Rhine-Westphalia have designated firecracker-free zones – Bad Salzuflen is one of them.

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