Waiting for the President of the Assembly

Constitutive session of the Assembly adjourned, to be resumed when political agreements are concluded

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Novović, Vučković and MPs from Nova and DNP, Photo: Luka Zekovic
Novović, Vučković and MPs from Nova and DNP, Photo: Luka Zekovic
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The session of the Assembly where the president will be elected will continue once a political agreement has been reached, which is the usual practice in the past.

At yesterday's constitutive session, the mandates of the deputies of the new convocation were verified and the agenda was determined, after which the chairman, the oldest deputy Milan Lekić (Nova), announced a break.

He said that the proposal for the head of the parliament was not submitted to the Assembly.

The first plenum, after the extraordinary parliamentary elections on June 11 this year, was solemn and lasted a short time. Before the start of work, the choir sang the national anthem, most of the deputies wore a red rosette on their chests, and they and the guests were welcomed by the Honor Guard of the Army of Montenegro, which was not the practice until now.

The session was attended by President Jakov Milatović, President of the Constitutional Court Budimir Šćepanović, Ombudsman Siniša Bjeković, Acting President of the Supreme Court Vesna Vučković, Chief Special Prosecutor Vladimir Novović, Chairman of the Senate of the State Audit Institution (DRI) Nikola Kovačević and President of the State Election Commission Nikola Mugoša.

Absent was Central Bank Governor Radoje Žugić, who informed the parliament that he could not attend, as well as Acting Supreme State Prosecutor Tatjana Begović. She did not respond to the parliament's invitation. According to unofficial information, she did not attend the session due to her deteriorating health.

On the agenda of the session, which is expected to continue, is the election of the head of the Assembly, the determination of the number of vice-presidents and the election of the vice-president of the parliament, as well as the president and members of the Administrative Board.

All these functions are the product of a political agreement, and the Administrative Committee is important for further parliamentary elections and the formation of committees.

The head of the SEC read the names of the new deputies, which, as he said, Lekić began the mandate of the deputies of the 28th convocation of the Parliament of Montenegro.

According to the final results, the Europe Now Movement won 24 mandates, the "Together" coalition, led by the Democratic Party of Socialists, won 21 mandates, and the "For the Future" coalition of Montenegro 13 mandates.

PES Parliamentary Club
PES Parliamentary Clubphoto: Parliament of Montenegro

The coalition of the Democrats and GP URA won 11 mandates, the Bosniak Party six mandates, while the coalition of the Socialist People's Party and Demos won two parliamentary seats. The Albanian Forum also won two mandates, and one each for the Albanian Alliance and the Croatian Civic Initiative.

"Everything is lemonade now"

Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazović and his possible successor Milojko Spajić commented on the event yesterday on Twitter.

Spajić, who is also the leader of the PES, boasted that they have started parliamentary status and thanked the citizens for their support in the elections. He added that thanks to the citizens, PES will have the opportunity to "be stricter with key changes and reforms" that will improve their lives and make the country the first next full member of the EU.

Abazović, along with a photo with four other MPs of the URA GP, congratulated the MPs of the new convocation, stating that they reconciled Montenegro and fought the hardest battles.

"Everything is lemonade now," he added.

Bonus video: