Ulcinj will mark the Municipal Day: Session, parade and foundation stone

Ulcinj celebrates the Municipality Day, the end of the olive harvest, the departure of the sailors to the ships and the beginning of the tourist season

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Detail from Ulcinj, Photo: Private archive
Detail from Ulcinj, Photo: Private archive
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

With a ceremonial session of the Assembly, a cultural and artistic program and the laying of the foundation stone for the construction of the luxury tourist complex "Otrant Reefs" on the Velika beach, today Ulcinj will mark the Day of the Municipality, the first Saturday of April, which symbolizes the end of the olive harvest, the departure of sailors to the ships and the beginning of the tourist season. .

At the ceremonial session of the local parliament, among other things, Nadžija Alibega Bučinca, a native of Ulcinj, a well-known activist for women's rights, who belongs to the first generations of teachers in Montenegro and Kosovo, will be presented with the award "Honorary Citizen of Ulcinj".

After the session, a carnival parade is planned at noon and half an hour later a cultural and artistic program on the Little Beach.

The foundation stone was also laid for the largest potable water reservoir on the coast, with a volume of 4,5 thousand cubic meters, to permanently solve the water supply of the municipality, especially Đeran, Ulcinjsko polje, Štoj and Velika plaža. That investment is worth three million euros.

Multi-day activities within the Municipal Day Celebration Program, which began on March 30 with the exhibition "Culture - the future of the youth of Ulcinj" in the gallery of the Culture Center, will end this afternoon with the laying of the foundation stone for the "Otrant Reefs" complex on the Velika beach, the construction of which will , as announced, will cost more than 50 million euros.

Earlier, as part of the program marking the Day of the Municipality, the promotion of the book "Guides for Ulcinj" by Jusuf Lika, a concert by the music and ballet school, a Sports Day in Valdanos and a concert by the National Ensemble of Folk Songs and Dances - Tirana were held.

The contract on the development of the Main Project for the City Stadium in the value of 200 thousand euros was concluded, the start of works on the reconstruction of Mujo Ulqinaku Street in the value of 700 thousand euros was announced, and the works on the parking area next to the Municipality building in the value of 100.000 euros were also completed.

Neglected sports fields in Valdanos were renovated and another olive path in Gornje Bište was buffered, worth close to 100.000 euros, while the horticultural landscaping of the roundabout near the Municipality building and the surrounding area cost 70 euros.

In Ulcinj, the implementation of two very important infrastructure projects, which concern the improvement of water supply and waste water drainage, worth a total of about 25 million euros, is underway.

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